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Trump holds Bible at Church of the Presidents, Washington D.C. Bibles in the military lodging?


Bibles in the military lodging?

Naval Air Facility Atsugi Joint Military Japan Defense Force Air Base

The United States military handles about 30,000 rooms in hotels and inns at about 300 or so locations in the free world. The Navy Exchange  operates its Navy lodge, and the Navy Morale Welfare and Recreation operates the Navy Inns. The Air Force has Inns, the Army has Hotels, the Marines have billets .  Since 1966, these military hotel rooms are in Germany, Japan, California, Hawaii, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico,  Utah, Oklahoma, Colorado, Texas, Missouri, Ohio, Alabama, Florida,  South Carolina, Virginia, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, District of Columbia and Massachusetts. And more. These rooms are for traveling service men and women. For decades, the military rooms had Gideon Bibles, all donated.  So why aren’t we  surprised to learn the Obama Pentagon had them removed?

In January 2017, the Navy Lodge (Navy Exchange) and Navy Gateway Inns (Morale Welfare and Recreation) at Naval Aviation Facility Atsugi, and Camp Zama Lodging, Japan, and New Sano in Tokyo, were offered free copies of the Book of Mormon for their bedroom dressers in their guest suites, like the Marriott hotels.  Although, it was reasonable to assume they had copies of the Bible in their rooms, Bibles could have been provided as well. As it happened, at the same time, the inauguration used a Bible for swearing in the new President Trump.

U.S. Army Camp Zama Japan entrance

It turned out, none even had Bibles. Between 2012 and 2014, all scriptures were removed at direction of the ‘Pentagon,’ a euphemism for higher authority. First with the Air Force, then other services. Press reports  confirmed this time line, 11 August 2014 Bibles removed, 12 August 2014 atheists celebrate, August 14 Navy tells lodges to put removed Bibles back, January 2015 Bibles removed again. So, in February 2017, the Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty in Washington D.C. was asked for help in restoring the Bibles to the military hotels. Who knew but that their Executive Director advised, that as of February 16, 2017, he thought the Bibles had been restored, and the Alliance was surprised to learn they were removed again?   Similar removals occurred with the Air Force, Army. and Veterans Affairs Clinic, with press reports of threats of Courts-Martial because Bible verses were ‘contrary to good order and discipline.’

If Atheists want recognition in the guest lodging, an empty dresser drawer could be reserved for them.

United States Navy helicopter with Elders and Sisters of the Tokyo South Mission as Red Cross Volunteers.

As religion was a Chaplains’ issue, inquiry was made of the Chaplains about the Bibles. One Chaplain reported a threat that the Chaplains were to obey orders, and the Navy could get along without chaplains, sort of like the Marines who rely on Navy Doctors, Lawyers and Chaplains.

Approximate Time line.

Apr 9, 2012 – In early February, a cockpit atheist in Kadena Airbase in Japan contacted MAAF to ask why there was a Bible posted in Air Force lodging. Source Militaryatheists.org.

Jan 24, 2014 – Bibles removed from University of Wisconsin lodging.  Source. Foxnews.com

Aug 8, 2014 –  The U.S. Navy has reversed its decision to remove the Gideon-placed Bibles from hotel rooms on its military bases. Source AFA.net.

Aug. 11, 2014. FFRF Victory! Bibles to be removed from Navy Lodges. Ffrf.org.

General MacArthur statue at Atsugi NAF where the General landed on the Japan Mainland August 30, 1945

Aug 11, 2014 – If you visit a hotel in the United State, odds are you’ll find a Bible in … for Religious Liberty, blasted the Navy for removing the Bibles. “This is just one more assault by military leaders against anything Christian,” Crews told me.” Source patheos.com.

Aug 12, 2014 – Gideon Bible The U.S. Navy has instructed housekeepers to remove Gideon- placed Bibles from every hotel room on its military bases. Source charismanews.com

Aug 12, 2014 – Military chaplains are calling for donated Bibles to be allowed in Navy lodges after an atheist group successfully lobbied to have them removed.  Source Dailycaller.com

[The missing Bibles gave rise to questions about  what happened? so the Navy had to come up with a response. Navy orders are as follows. ]

Dec. 11, 2014. FYI -On 11 Dec 14, the Executive Committee met at the Pentagon to discuss COA’s developed by the Working Group to determine the disposition of religious materials in Marine and Navy Lodges as well as Navy Gateway Inns & Suites. The Exec Committee is chaired by N46. Five COA’s were presented.

OPNAV has received some additional information regarding Senior Leadership’s potential response. We are on hold to provide a draft report.


Good Day ____

Thank you for the opportunity to reply to your Navy Gateway Inns & Suites comment card.  Department of Defense (DoD) has made no provision for the placement of Bibles in these temporary lodging facilities. NGIS complies with DoD temporary quarters/lodging facility guidance relating to the furnishing of rooms. The reason you did not find a Bible in an NGIS room is because they were not placed in the rooms in the first place.

All NGIS facilities feature free WiFi service, which enables patrons to access online versions of the Bible; as well as, most other sacred texts and religious resources. Any guest of NGIS who wishes to obtain a Bible may  contact the front desk. NGIS will assist the guest in contacting the local Command Religious Program which provides a wide range of religious materials, including the Holy Bible.

Some news outlets confused the Navy Lodge Program (operated by the Navy Exchange Command) with Navy Gateway Inns & Suites (Official Temporary Duty Lodging operated by Commander, Navy Installations Command). Navy Gateway Inns & Suites (NGIS) is an entirely separate lodging program from Navy Lodge, and did not participate or engage in the reported removal of Bibles from Navy Lodge guest rooms.


Please let me know if you have questions.   []ara *, CHA 2

Jan 7, 2015. From: *, Pa* CIV USN CNRJ

Sent: Wednesday, January 07,20158:17 AM


Subject: FW: NGIS Religious Materials 

Importance:  High 

Team, Please see []my’s comments below in regards to religious materials. We no longer need to send EVERY comment card to CNIC for response. Let me know if you have any questions.

v/r, Pam*

Jan. 7, 2015. —Original Message—-

•From: *, Tamara CIV CNIC HQ, N924


Sent: Wednesday, January 07,2015 12:53 AM

Subject: FW: NGIS Religious Materials

Importance: High

All,  After conferring with CNIC Chaplains and lawyers and showing them a sample of the comment cards we’ve received, the statement below is the agreed upon reply to be sent to those guests with questions / comments regarding NGIS providing religious materials in our guest rooms. Previously, I had asked for all comment cards to be sent directly to me for reply. This is no longer required unless one our NGIS properties receives a comment card that requires a different response, i.e., comments referring to contacting CNIC or congressional staff. For those NGIS properties that forwarded to me a comment card, please reply to the guests with the below reply.

* Requirements for comment cards that refer to providing religious materials in NGIS guest rooms:

*  Comment cards will be maintained separately and all requirements for replying to the guest will continue to meet program standards (cards will only be maintained separately for easy access should we receive a data call)

* Staff will not provide personal comments in reply to guests inquiring about providing religious materials in NGIS guest rooms

* Potential CNIC data calls will require information collected from the comment card

* Regional Lodging Directors/NGIS GMs will brief leadership to ensure all are informed regarding NGIS religious materials policy

* Gifts of religious materials presented to NGIS shall be directed to the Chaplain’s office and will not be accepted at NGIS

Navy Lodging Program Manager 1

Commander, Navy Installations Command N924

202-* DSN *



Red Cross volunteers policing Atsugi NAF with museum Air planes, Elders and Sisters of the Tokyo South Mission

[The team came up with resiliency kiosks, in lieu of Bibles.]




23 OCT 2015

Ref :  (a)  OPNAVINST  1730 . 1E 

(b)  SECNAVINST  1730.70 

(c)  SECNAVINST  5351 . 1 

(d)  SECNAVINST  400l . 2J 

(e)  OPNAVINST  4001.1F 

1. Background.

            a . As embodied and detailed in references (a) through (c) , Religious Ministry in the Navy provides for the free exercise of religion; attends to the sacred, spiritual , and moral aspects of life; and serves to enhance the resilience of Service members , civilians and their families. Religious ministry is entrusted to Navy Chaplains and delivered under the authority of Commanders and Commanding Officers .

            b. In furtherance of this mission, Navy Chaplains at Navy Regions and Installations are tasked with the duty to provide resiliency literature in transient lodging on Navy Installations . Resiliency materials will support, sustain, and renew the Fleet, Fighter and Family, mentally, physically, socially, and spiritually.

            c. Resiliency kiosks are installed at Navy Gateway Inns & Suites (NGIS)and Navy Lodges . The kiosks will be a means to support resilience, tolerance for diverse religious traditions or no religious tradition, dignity and respect for all .

2 . Roles .

            a. CNIC Force Chaplain will coordinate with the Navy Chief of Chaplains Office (N097) to determine standard resiliency literature that is considered religious or spiritual in nature.

            b. CNIC Force Chaplain shall coordinate with Navy Installation Chaplains, via CNIC Region Chaplains , regarding the standardized resiliency literature in kiosks located at transient lodges. Installation Chaplains will partner and work with Navy Fleet and Family Support Centers, Military and Family Support Centers , and Navy Medical Facilities for stocking standardized resiliency literature that will be placed in kiosk.

            3. Duties and Procedures .

            a . Resiliency literature will be stocked and maintained in kiosks by Installation Chaplains or designated Command Religious Program (CRP) personnel.

            b. As stated above , the Navy Chief of Chaplains Office (N097) , CNIC Force Chaplain , Region and Installation Chaplains will collaborate in order to determine standardization of resiliency literature .

            c. Installation Chaplains or designated Command Religious Program (CRP) personnel will directly coordinate and stock resiliency materials in the kiosks .

            d. Gift offers of religious texts and materials to be included in NGIS kiosks will be vetted through legal for approval under gift statutes at the installation or appropriate command level. Acceptance of gifts will be processed in accordance with references (d) and (e) .

/s/  GA * CAPT, CHC , USN CNIC Force Chaplain

Dec. 4, 2015. N097 APPROVED RESILIENCY MATERIALS FOR CHAPLAINS TO PLACE IN KIOSKS. *Bible. *Book of Mormon. (et al.) *These printed materials will not be placed in the kiosks.  They are located at the chapels.

Jan. 7, 2015.  From:  *, Ta* CIV CNIC HQ, N924 [mailto: ta*.*@navy.mil

Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2015 12:53 AM

Subject: FW: NGIS Religious Materials

Importance: High


After conferring with CNIC Chaplains and lawyers and showing them a sample of the comment cards we’ve received, the statement below is the agreed upon reply to be sent to those guests with questions/comments regarding NGIS providing religious materials in our guest rooms. Previously, I had asked for all comment cards to be sent directly to me for reply. This is no longer required unless one our NGIS properties receives a comment card that requires a different response, i.e., comments referring to contacting CNIC or congressional staff. For those NGIS properties that forwarded to me a comment card, please reply to the guests with the below reply.

* Requirements for comment cards that refer to providing religious materials in NGIS guest rooms:

*  Comment cards will be maintained separately and all requirements for replying to the guest will continue to meet program standards (cards will only be maintained separately for easy access should we receive a data call)

* Staff will not provide personal comments in reply to guests

Navy Lodging Program Manager 1

Commander, Navy Installations Command N924

202-* DSN *


Apr 19, 2016 – Officials at Tobyhanna Army Depot removed a Bible. Domino effect.: Fifth bible removed from official POW/MIA display. Source militaryreligiousfreedom.org.

May 12, 2019.

Source Newsmax, Horowitz details former President Obama’s role. Dark Agenda, ” a growing anti-Christian persecution in America. Please read the article below and check out the Free Offer for “Dark Agenda” on Newsmax.com. 

Why Obama Was Most Anti-Christian President  By David Horowitz

”Which American president changed the White House Christmas cards from being about Christmas or faith to cards featuring the family dogs and similar non-Christmas-related subjects? Which president decorated the White House Christmas tree with ornaments that included figures such as Mao Zedong and a drag queen? Which president excluded pro-life groups from attending a White House-sponsored healthcare summit?Which president nominated three pro-abortion ambassadors to the Vatican? Which president speaking at Georgetown University ordered a monogram symbolizing Jesus’ name to be covered while he was delivering his speech? Which president made a practice of deliberately omitting the phrase about “the Creator” when quoting the Declaration of Independence? Which president opposed the inclusion of President Franklin Roosevelt’s famous D-Day Prayer in the WWII Memorial? Which presidential administration announced that it would forgive student loans in exchange for public service, but that it would no longer forgive student loans if the public service was related to religion?”

”The answer, of course, is President Barack Obama, the most extreme left-wing figure ever to occupy the White House. Obama’s attacks on Christians earned him the title of “America’s Most Biblically Hostile President” from the website Wallbuilders, which listed these incidents.”

”However, these constitute only a partial list of Obama’s attacks on Christians, and religious communities in general. Among Obama’s more serious crimes was his support for the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, which gave a green light to that infidel-hating organization to murder thousands of Coptic Christians simply because they were Christian. Even worse, Obama abandoned America’s military base in Iraq and withdrew America’s troops, creating a vacuum which gave rise to ISIS and the creation of an Islamic state. The jihadists then set out to murder hundreds of thousands of Iraqi Christians without a protest from Obama or a serious military effort to stop them. Thanks to Obama’s reluctance, ISIS succeeded in destroying the oldest Christian community in the world, whose temple in Mosul had held Sunday sermons continuously since the time of St. Paul. This genocide was one of the most disgraceful episodes in American history. And it was the direct responsibility of a president who went to the United Nations after the attack in Benghazi to protect the Islamic jihadists  responsible for the murder of four Americans — including the American ambassador. Although [Obama] knew the claim was false, Obama blamed their deaths on an obscure filmmaker whose offensive video no one saw. Obama then proclaimed to the world, in the strangest words ever uttered by an American president: “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”

”The blood on Obama’s hands was more than a betrayal of the Iraqi Christians and the heroes in Benghazi. It was a betrayal of every American and every Iraqi who gave their lives to keep that country out of the hands of the terrorists. It was a betrayal of America itself.” Source Newsmax.

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The news media on June 1st, 2020, followed President Trump as he walked from the White House to the Church of the Presidents. At the church, President Trump held up a Bible, with his hands while standing in front of the Church. Update.

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