A God of Miracles.
Like Pharaoh of Egypt, as recorded in Genesis in the Bible, I had a dream last night, which woke me up. I had a headache which would not let me sleep, until I wrote down the dream. After which the headache abated and I slept.
Here are the parts. After retiring for the night, and saying a prayer that my family and loved ones will be cheerful, I also included that the President and his family will be protected and cheerful. After the election of November third, the dream that night repeated a phrase from a hymn entitled ‘We thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet’. The verse is
‘We doubt not the Lord, nor his goodness, we’ve proved him in days that are past.’
This verse is a concise reminder that the Lord knows and cares what we feel, and gives comfort and guidance, with his goodness, and watches over us.
On the night of the third, as it was described to me, as the returns came in, while at first looking like the President was losing, a miracle was unfolding in that the President moved out in front by hundreds of thousands of votes in swing states, such as Pennsylvania. The President was well ahead of where he was in 2016 in Florida with the support of the Cuban vote. It was a miracle. Then the vote counting in the battle ground states stopped.
In 1787 Benjamin Franklin encouraged prayer at the Constitutional Convention. The records quoted this. ‘I have lived a long time, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth, that God Governs in the Affairs of Men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice is it probably that an empire can rise without his aid?’
Amos wrote ‘surely the Lord God will do nothing but he revealeth his secrets to his servants the prophets.’ (Amos 3 verse 7). Bible Dictionary notes ‘In a general sense a prophet is anyone who has a testimony of Jesus Christ by the Holy Ghost, as in Num. 11:25–29; Rev. 19:10.’
Since the night of the third, the status of the reelection looks depressing and grim. Some have organized to stop the steal. Stories of hundreds of thousands of ballots being delivered or discovered after the election date are told. What of Stealing the Vote? The media commentators announce no such evidence exists.
Judicial Watch warned about vote fraud, and forged ballots more than four years ago. Another UtahStandardNews column lists Judicial Watch’s findings of some 3400 counties in the 50 United States. 37 states were reviewed, because 13 states did not make records available. The match compared the adult population with registered voters. Over three hundred and forty counties by 2020 have more registered voters than adults. For comparison, Utah has about 4 in 5 adults registered to vote, and because not all registered voters vote, ultimately 2/3rds of Utah adults voted in 2020. Every year a little under one percent of the population dies, and another 15 percent move. So starting at 2/3rds registration, a voter registry can be over one hundred percent of adults within 3 years, or more likely, two decades, by not removing the dead. The means of ballot fraud are also explained.
Reports have come in about 100 percent and more of votes from precincts and counties, whereas 2/3rds would be high. The goal is steal the election. The remedy of voter fraud is to remove certification from the fraud counties. These counties knew they had fraud, and were told by Judicial Watch. Other counties or states are just under 100%, and while it cannot be said with absolute certainty, there is an extremely high statistical probability that 1 in 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 registered voters is bogus.
If the votes removed from the fraud precincts exceeds the margins of victory, then cancel the election and remove the state electoral votes. If no candidates gets the 270 required electoral votes, then the election moves to the House of Representatives where the delegation votes and each state gets a vote.
Reports came in that Arizona was certifying Opponent as its winner. Arizona counties with over one hundred percent registered more than adults, include Santa Cruz (Nogales) and Apache (St. Johns), not counting dozens of counties with 99%, down to 80%.
Nevada counties with over one hundred percent include Storey (Virginia City), Douglas (Minden), and Nye (Tonopah).
Michigan statewide is over one hundred five percent.
New York counties with over one hundred percent Hamilton (Lake Pleasant) Nassau (Hempstead-Mineola); New York (New York City); Rockland (Nyack); Suffolk (Riverhead). New York has millions of extra registered names of missing or deceased voters.
New Jersey statewide is at one hundred two percent.
Virginia counties within the Washington District of Columbia commute are Loudoun; Falls Church City (114%); Fairfax City (109%); Arlington (106%); Fairfax (106%); Alexandria City (105%); plus 18 counties more counties. This makes fraud convenient.
Georgia has 21 counties with over one hundred percent of adults registered, including Fulton with Atlanta, the most populous city in Georgia.
The remedy for a false election is throw out the vote total, or re vote. Poll watchers need to be allowed to view votes called out. Reports that poll watchers were prevented from observing should void the entire count of those locations so limiting fair review.
About November 14th, a Saturday, the media declared Opponent President Elect.
Newscasters have criticized Attorneys for not showing their evidence of voter fraud for the media? They can have good reasons, such as the media immediately doxing witnesses for intimidation and threats. One reviewer advised that the President won a 400 electoral vote landslide which is being stolen. The media wants interviews, which could take a day to prepare for, and as there is but limited time for the lawyers to do their work, the interviews must wait.
This reminds me of the stories of Ezra and Nehemiah who were sent to rebuild the walls of the temple at Jerusalem, after the Babylonian captivity. Judah and Benjamin’s enemies wanted to stop work, and invited and commanded Nehemiah to come down off the work. Nehemiah chapter 6, verse 2-3. ‘That Sanballat and Geshem sent unto me, saying, Come, let us meet together in some one of the villages in the plain of Ono. But they thought to do me mischief. And I sent messengers unto them, saying, ‘I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down, why should the work cease, whilst I leave it, and come down to you?’ And Nehemiah’s enemies persisted, writing lying letters. (verse 12-13) ‘And, lo, I perceived that god had not sent him, but that he pronounced this prophecy against me, for Tobiah and Sanballat had hired him. Therefore was he hired, that I should be afraid, and do so, and sin, and that they might have matter for an evil report, that they might reproach me.’
My dream reminded me of the story that persists from 1960 Chicago election, then boss Mayor had many dead voting in elections from 1950s to 1970s, as sort of a resurrection joke. [See Wikipedia 1960_United-States-Presidential_election-in-Illinois.) These ‘old wives tales’ are largely ignored. As was the term ‘casting couch’ which I first heard about 1967 in Hollywood, where producers, directors or casting agents seduced actresses. That was ignored until the ‘MeToo’, used in 2006, became a movement in 2017. Celebrities publicly accused celebrities who were around in 2016 but who disappeared by 2020.
Prayer vigils for the President have been held. Prayer worked for General Patton during the battle of the bulge. The skies cleared of bad weather, and American troops continued the liberation.
Media talking heads call for the President to concede.
But questions have not been answered. Why did officials stop counting ballots the night of the election? The answer is they needed to know how many votes to muster up to overcome 800,000 vote the President lead in Pennsylvania, and similar states.
Why did not the opponent’s alleged win help the down ballot? That has its own USN column. The media claims ‘nothing to see here’ about Georgia’s election where the opponent outran his party’s Senator nominee by 50,000 votes, indicating a single vote for Opponent at the top.
Why didn’t the FBI investigate state after state, hundreds of counties, for their voter lists? We know little, or nothing, has been done on the fraud on the FISA court after the 2015 to 2017 frauds came out in 2018. Why doesn’t the Postal Service investigate stolen mail? Or at least advertise the rewards for information!
A broadcaster advised that the Supreme Court doesn’t want to decide the winner of the Presidential election. They may have too.
Why ban poll watchers and then expect the count to be trusted?
If election officials don’t remove dead voters, what confidence is there that others vote who are felons, foreign born, under age, repeat voters?
‘We doubt not the Lord, nor his goodness, we’ve proved him in days that are past.’
The 1876 Hayes Tilden Presidential contest was contested and settled with Hayes becoming President, and the federal troops withdrawn from the southern states. This was the end to reconstruction.
Ballot fraud is made easy by commingling late, or harvested, or without witnesses, or without a witness address, or no signatures, or counterfeit, or single vote, ballot with the rest of the ballots. Once separated from the mailer or book, the ballots look like all others.
The Supreme Court has at least these options. 1) let voter fraud skate free even after years of warning cities and states to purge dirty election rolls – this won’t instill confidence in any election. 2) declare invalid votes from counties with fraudulent registration numbers. 3) void vote totals from offending precincts and counties, 4) recount the remaining votes, 5) cancel the electoral votes from a state with fraudulent registrations, or 6) hold a re election after rolls are purged.
Going forward, all ballots are turned in within one hour after the close of polls. Then secured and guarded, and segregated for counting.
Mormon Chapter 9 verse 7 to 11 and 15-17.‘ you who deny the revelations of God, and say that they are done away, that there are no revelations, nor prophecies, nor gifts, nor healing, nor speaking with tongues, and the interpretation of tongues; Behold I say unto you, he that denieth these things knoweth not the gospel of Christ; yea, he has not read the scriptures; if so, he does not understand them. For do we not read that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and in him there is no variableness neither shadow of changing? And now, if ye have imagined up unto yourselves a god who doth vary, and in whom there is shadow of changing, then have ye imagined up unto yourselves a god who is not a God of miracles. But behold, I will show unto you a God of miracles, even the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob; and it is that same God who created the heavens and the earth, and all things that in them are. *** And now, O all ye that have imagined up unto yourselves a god who can do no miracles, I would ask of you, have all these things passed, of which I have spoken? Has the end come yet? Behold I say unto you, Nay; and God has not ceased to be a God of miracles. Behold, are not the things that God hath wrought marvelous in our eyes? Yea, and who can comprehend the marvelous works of God? Who shall say that it was not a miracle that by his word the heaven and the earth should be; and by the power of his word man was created of the dust of the earth; and by the power of his word have miracles been wrought?
The President’s name is in the Doctrine and Covenants a dozen times, and as President, he fulfilled a promise about restoring Jerusalem. His survival will be God’s miracle.
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